NYC Climbing Collective: Building an Inclusive Climbing
  Community Through Education & Access. 

What We Do

The New York City Climbing Collective (NY3C) is a community-based 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization working to promote equity in climbing for all people in the New York City metropolitan area. We create sustainable programming rooted in our three pillars: Community Building, Education, and Access.

In order to break down barriers to entry for historically excluded communities. By hosting accessible events and cultivating mentorship, we create opportunities for underserved youth and adults to get involved in climbing, outdoor recreation, and community organizing while empowering climbers to create a more equitable and inclusive climbing community.



We are committed to breaking down barriers to entry that have long been placed in the climbing community.

Through our programming, like Harlem Rock Club, we give access to free and discounted day passes, continuing climbing opportunities for youth, shoes, gear, and more. We believe that everyone should have access to climbing regardless of financial means.



We are committed to providing a safe space for education within the climbing community.

Our programming is rooted in bridging the education gap often experienced within the climbing community. We work to advocate for fair rights amongst climbing gym and outdoor-industry affiliated employees, & provide/create resources to promote accessibility to climbing in the city.


Community Building:

We are committed to building the type of community that we believe is truly reflective of the NYC Metro Area.

Through community events, mentorship, and volunteer opportunities, we work to connect new and experienced climbers with their peers in order to facilitate peer mentorship, connections, and change!

           Equitable Climbing in NYC.          
Climbing for